I ran out of the house this morning, late... grabbing a ton of things..
Z's backpack, napmat, her shoes, my purse, keys, diet coke... Ash's shoes and coat...
I arrived at her school to get her inside, and went to put on her shoes... and i had two white shoes that were different. One tennis shoe and one sandal.
I would have just had her be odd today, but they were both for the RIGHT foot. OOPS
They go outside at 9:20 or so... so I had to run to target and buy her shoes.
Poor thing limped into school with a shoe on the wrong foot. Her teacher laughed at her and said it was quite a "zoe thing to do"... and I had to say that I couldn't blame this on her.. was all me. So she said that the apple didnt fall far from the tree. LOL