Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Amazing Ash

Sooooooooooooooooooo Ash is a genius. The last few months, Baird and I have been concerned that he isn't saying as many words as his sister did at this age. (almost 2) She was chatting up a storm by two, and if you know her she hasn't stopped yet. Ash knows some words... like shoe (thanks meg!) and bye bye and animal sounds... car, dog, go, yay, hi. bye... and more... but we were a little concerned.

He has been pointing at letters lately and making sounds. At least thats what I thought he was doing. The other day, he found some of Zoe's old flashcards with letters on them.... He was going through them, picking one up and saying something, then going to the next. I really wasn't paying too much attention, I think I was being El Tigre for Zoe... then I stopped and started looking at what he was doing.

And amazingly, he knew some of the letters! He seems to know E and O and L and X and M (says Mmmmmmmm) and H. OH MY GOODNESS... where did he learn that? He knows like ten letters! I think I'll take a video!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


So I've gotten bit by a ribbon bug. Someone posted a tutorial on how to make these cute little bows... so I've been gathering all the supplies to make them!

seeeeeeeeeeeeeee... We even picked up a cute little basket for the supplies today! Now I just need to wait for my hair clippies to arrive and I can get started! Where are they????

And just because looking at pictures of a glue gun and ribbon in a box might bore you. Here are two pictures of my cuties. Zoe was being goofy before drama class (she was super excited about seeing Cody) and Ash was with us at Michaels!


Here is how we all felt yesterday!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Two RIGHT feet

I ran out of the house this morning, late... grabbing a ton of things..

Z's backpack, napmat, her shoes, my purse, keys, diet coke... Ash's shoes and coat...

I arrived at her school to get her inside, and went to put on her shoes... and i had two white shoes that were different. One tennis shoe and one sandal.

I would have just had her be odd today, but they were both for the RIGHT foot. OOPS

They go outside at 9:20 or so... so I had to run to target and buy her shoes.

Poor thing limped into school with a shoe on the wrong foot. Her teacher laughed at her and said it was quite a "zoe thing to do"... and I had to say that I couldn't blame this on her.. was all me. So she said that the apple didnt fall far from the tree. LOL